One of the lenses I use the most is the Canon 17-40mm F4 L. Understanding the process of taking photos using a wide angle lens, like the 17-40mm or even the 16-35mm is very important for a landscape photographer. The way you identify the subject, plan the composition and settings is different from other lenses.… Continue Reading
Why do we do the things we do? Why there are things that can be left for tomorrow and others burning from inside to be done quickly. I guess it’s a matter of choice … and I choose to do what I love no matter what. Following your dream with no financial expectations … that’s… Continue Reading
1. Long exposures in unusual places Use a tripod, a remote control and an ND filter and take long exposures where you don’t necessary think of taking long exposures TIP: search for elements that move near the ones that stay still 2. Move your camera while shooting While shooting move the camera up and down… Continue Reading
The snow that felt last night created a beautiful winter landscape so I had to go out and photograph it. I went out at sunrise hoping for some light but the clouds were gathered in the sky. Even though I saw no light the morning has something special so I think my photos turned ok.… Continue Reading
After a good sunrise with some nice light on the cliffs we returned at the hotel where I received a new lens for filming this vlog. We start hiking for the second part of the day and even though we leave with the sun on top of us soon the sky becomes covered in gloomy… Continue Reading
This video was made at the first day of my workshop. We photographed the sunrise on top of Maria’s Rock and then we went for an incredible panorama over a 300m drop. The day continued with some icy waterfalls that offered some interesting opportunities. Thanks for watching and please consider subscribing for more videos like… Continue Reading
I like to try different things and experimenting with new lenses is one of these things. I’m usually photographing with 17-40mm and using the 50mm lens is not the first thing a landscape photographer will think of using. Bu I gave it a try and I tried it to see what kind of photos I’ll… Continue Reading
The New Year is almost here. It’s that time when everyone is making promisses to himself (or herself) on the things he or she will do in the next year. Are you one of those people? Of course you are! I’m also making plans and thinking of things to do and goals to accomplish! The… Continue Reading